There is no seperation in Divine Mind, therefore, I cannot be seperated from my desires which are mine by Divine Right
-Florence Scovel Shinn
I now dig diches deep with faith and understanding and my heart’s desire come to pass in a surprising way!
-Florence Scovel Shinn
I do not limit the Holy One of Isreal (Is REAL), in word, thought or deed. With God all things are easy and possible now.
-Florence Scovel Shinn

"Imagine NUTOPIA" is a visionary story where spirituality, science, and art converge to awaken humanity. At the heart of the narrative is the S.U.N.U.P. energy, a revolutionary free energy device discovered through spiritual insight—a gift from the universe, powered by the simple and abundant elements of hydrogen, water, and oxygen. This energy is not just about technological advancement; it represents humanity’s spiritual evolution, unlocking a peaceful and sovereign future for all. Hidden within a groundbreaking theater called Insanctuary built to house a thought provoking show featuring the Beatles, the energy’s potential becomes a beacon of hope. But the Powers That Be (PTB), threatened by its power to free humanity from control, will stop at nothing to destroy it. Lux, a visionary artist, and David, a brilliant technologist, lead a global movement to protect this divine gift, navigating sabotage, spiritual warfare, and a fight for humanity’s soul. This is a story where the energy of the universe and human consciousness align to create a new world."
Its man’s Divine Right to have plenty! His cup runneth over!
-Florence Scovel Shinn

Insanctuary is a technical marvel of a theater that is used as a sacred space to deliver healing on an emotional, mental and psychological level. The theatrical machine created here will not be rivaled once built.
The Divine Plan of my life now takes shape in definite, concrete experiences leading to my hearts desire.
-Florence Scovel Shinn
The Temenos Project is a piece of property that will serve as a community resource for gatherings and festivals that center around a peaceful approach to conscious living. It also a center of research for a free energy device. Temenos is a Greek word that denotes a sacred space where warriors lay down arms to negotiate the peace.
I dwell in a sea of abundance. I see clearly my inexhaustible supply. I see clearly just what to do.
-Florence Scovel Shinn

S.U.N.U.P. is the sustainable, universal, natural, unlimited power that will set humanity free from the chains of big oil, big pharma and institutions that no longer serve the evolving soul. S.U.N.U.P. is crucial to the advancement of mankind.
Thou in me art Inspiration, Revelation and Illumination.
-Florence Scovel Shinn

is an idea for an immersive theatrical production that carries themes about man as fully human and fully divine. Within man, in his blood, bones and flesh Divinty is revealed in the most amazing and enlightening of ways!
As I am one with God I am now one with my heart’s desire.
-Florence Scovel Shinn
There is no competition on the spiritual plane. What is rightfully mine is given under grace.
-Florence Scovel Shinn

The Evolution Movement will rock your world into a new conscious awareness of how to create a life and environment that is expansive, inclusive and full of joy. Rock with me!
I water my wilderness with faith and suddenly it blossoms as the rose.
-Florence Scovel Shinn
I am harmonious, happy, radiant, detached from the tyranny of fear.
-Florence Scovel Shinn

Lux Regit means Light Rules or Light Leads in Latin. Lux Regit is a yet to be produced theatrical immersive performance art piece. This piece is about how one's attention (energy) draws circumstances and events into reality.
What is mine by Divine Right can never be taken from me. God’s perfect plan for me is built upon a rock.
-Florence Scovel Shinn

Sacred Activism is a monthly event where we come together and meditate for peace, justice and restoration of balance for ourselves and our fellow man.
I give thanks that I now bring forth from the Universal Substance everything that satisfies all the righteous desires of my heart.
-Florence Scovel Shinn

The New Myth is a true story. Instead of looking for a saviour outside of oneself, our heroine looked within and found the saviour there. The New Myth is to be produced as an immersive theatrical entertainment offering.
My hearts desire is a perfect idea in Divine Mind, incorruptible, and now comes to pass, under grace in a magical way.
-Florence Scovel Shinn

The Mind of a Conspiracy Theorist is about the Great Awakening which is less about exposing corruption than exposing the great secret that has been hidden away from mankind. A dynamic immersive entertainment offering in the offing!
I am perfect harmony with the working of Divine Law. I stand aside and let infinite intelligence make easy and successful my way.
-Florence Scovel Shinn

Third Eye Candy is an evening of dance, music and an amazing visual feast for the soul. Bring your dance shoes!
As the needle in the compass is true to north, what is rightfully mine is true to me. I am the north!
-Florence Scovel Shinn
I am in perfect harmony with the working of the law, for I know that Infinite Intelligence knows nothing of obstacles, time or space. It knows only completion.
-Florence Scovel Shinn
“I have a wonderful home (and land), in a wonderful way; It gives wonderful service, for wonderful pay!”
-Florence Scovel Shinn
Let the Divine Design of Mind, Body and Affairs be made manifest throughout this life, throughout eternity.
-Florence Scovel Shinn