The word “Temenos” comes from the Greek language and refers to the sacred precinct where drama was performed for the purpose of spiritual, emotional and psychological transformation.
Temenos is a sacred precinct where drama is performed for spiritual, emotional and psychological transformation.
The Temenos is a sacred space each person vows to honor. As each steps over the threshold to join one must lay down his armor, whether real or emotional. The Temenos can be described as a ceasefire, an opportunity to raise our vibration and as a single powerful intention as we bring free energy onto the planet. The Temenos asks nothing of you save you save yourself by using your free energy to urge this movement forward. This sacred space has the power to transform our world if we would all but commit to its ideal.
There will be no savior and the world will not end. There will be no returning space alien to claim you as a lost relative. There is only you. And your contribution to the fractal that is this world and this experience. When you know that you are the solution you join the Temenos and lay down your armor. By declaring yourself a conscious being with personal choice you exercise that choice to be a peaceful participant in the creation of a worldwide Temenos. The Temenos does not judge anyone or anything. It exists to focus ones attention on the simple idea that we must choose peace for ourselves. In doing so we also support and act on the notion of investing ourselves in the implementation of a sustainable unlimited natural universal power for the planet. S.U.N.U.P.
A world that possess free energy is world that feeds all residents. There is clean water in even the most remote locations. Free energy also frees mankind from the shackles of pollution and the wasting of natural resources. Free energy will cure all that ails you! But first, to attain such a miracle each and every one must choose to enter the Temenos. Without this one step the next cannot be. There can be no miracle for a humanity that is far from humane.

We celebrate the technology of the spirit and advance the spirit of technology.
There is no focus on what innovating new technologies combined with spiritual truths would do for society.
We are caught up in chaos and the destruction of our culture and values. Sadly, many of us are completely unaware that this chaos is planned and implemented by an agenda that seeks to overthrow our freedom and install a form of governance that will be closer to a communist regime. If you disagree with the agenda, you are liable to be censored, cancelled or worse.
Bringing new technologies into our world would free us from the control mechanisims being placed upon society.
The Temenos Project builds focus and creates intention around Sustainable Unlimited Natural Universal Power.
The ultimate goal is to seat a sustainable unlimited natural universal power on the planet hand in hand with a worldwide Temenos, a cease fire, an accepting of one another’s differences and similarities, a physical and psychological laying down of one’s armor.
Temenos is required for mankind to develop a truly free and wireless power for all to enjoy. Without peace there can be no global innovation implemented without the danger of some faction using it for deadly means. However, this innovation is the one thing that can truly turn the planet from its self-destructive path of disparate ideologies to a path of understanding and unity on a planet that we all must share.

We deliver the message of The Temenos Project and the global need for a sustainable unlimited natural universal power through the use of performance art.
We aim to produce events that combine actual and virtual innovative futuristic technologies and inspired storytelling to educate, inspire and direct focus on the central idea that the creation of a truly free new power source is key to world peace and prosperity.
Temenos is required for mankind to develop a truly free and wireless power for all to enjoy. Without peace there can be no global innovation implemented without the danger of some faction using it for deadly means. However, this innovation is the one thing that can truly turn the planet from its self-destructive path of disparate ideologies to a path of understanding and unity on a planet we all must share.
We use this project to focus attention on what such a device could do to change the current paradigm and how all power structures would be renovated in this new landscape of abundance. The Temenos Project seeks to encourage a conversation around creating a sustainable unlimited natural universal power that the world can share. We present the changes such an innovation would provide with the help of art and artists.
Temenos is a Greek word which refers to a universal instinct to create a protected, safe space in which to heal, reorganize and regenerate the fragmented personality. In a ‘soul-centered’ medical context, for individuals in crisis, the Temenos, which often takes on the circular, or square forms of the mandala, provides an enclosed, self-rebirthing place, akin to a garden, piece of sacred land, guarded castle, or maternal womb.